
Inis Artists comprises 15 visual artists based in Clare working in a wide variety of media and styles. The society was formed to promote visual art not only in Clare but throughout Munster & the west of Ireland and to this end have exhibited widely in many counties.


Membership of Inis Artists is limited to 15 members, all resident in County Clare. We are currently open for new membership applications. If you are interested please email us at inisartistenquiries@gmail.com and we will forward details to you.


Inis Artists welcomes requests for special commissions. As you can see, we cover a wide variety of subjects, styles and media. If you would like to have a painting done of your favourite subject (landscape, still life, equine, pet, portrait, fantasy etc) please contact the artist of your choice. Contact details are given on each artist’s page.

Follow Inis Artists on Facebook.